Music Grid

Just Dream It & Let Us Help Realize Your Dreams

Music Grid is a platform that can be used for sharing and streaming music in several contexts. It may be applied to the production of a wide variety of music-related websites, such as ones that are comparable to soundcloud, mixcloud, Spotify, and a great many more.


Music Grid is a platform that can be used for sharing and streaming music in several contexts. It may be applied to the production of a wide variety of music-related websites, such as ones that are comparable to soundcloud, mixcloud, Spotify, and a great many more.



If you switch Music Grid to the “automated” mode, it will automatically import and update information from third-party websites, including artists, albums, songs, channels, and other information. Additionally, it will stream music and video using the API provided by YouTube.

Content Management:

Since all of Music Grid’s automated features may be turned off, the platform can also act as a content management system if necessary. Create and manage material that will show on the site from within the administrative dashboard of the site. This encompasses musicians, discographies, individual tracks, channels, and videos, among other things.

User Artists:

Users should be able to create their own profiles, submit their music, and share it with other users.


Every music that is uploaded will receive an automatically produced real-time waveform.


Users are able to comment on, repost, like, embed, and create playlists of their preferred tunes and albums, in addition to effortlessly sharing these items via social media.

User and artist profiles:

Users have the ability to customise their profile pages by uploading a custom avatar, background picture, description, social links, location, and more. Artists also have the ability to upload their own profiles.
Users that take use of the Follower System are given the opportunity to monitor the activity of both other users and artists.

Editable Landing Page:

The default landing page may be simply altered by using the built-in appearance editor, which includes a live preview and does not require any prior knowledge of coding.

High Performance:

Music Grid is designed to be as lightweight as possible while yet providing blisteringly quick performance and page load times out of the box.

User Libraries:

In addition to creating playlists, users on Music Grid have the ability to add individual songs, albums, and artists to their own libraries.


Users are able to create, share, and follow playlists that other users have created.Player is a multi-functional player that includes features like as shuffle, repeat, lyrics, queue, and many others.

Dark Mode:

Music Grid comes with both a bright and dark theme already pre-built for you to choose from. You have complete control over how they look and can even create new themes using the appearance editor.


When the “automatic” mode is used, it is possible to locate practically any artist, album, or track by using the search function.

Custom Pages:

A built-in WISIWYG editor is available for use in the creation of custom pages such as terms of service, about us, and other similar pages.


Simply copy and paste your ad codes into the integrated ad spaces in the administration area, and Music Grid will automatically show them.

Roles and Permissions:

You may offer users access to certain features of the site by assigning them certain roles and permissions, or you can restrict their access to those features.


Google analytics are included directly into the admin panel, which means that you do not need to access a different page in order to view how well your website is performing.

Additional Features

Installing Music Grid is simple and takes only a few minutes thanks to our user-friendly installer and comprehensive instructions. You don't need any prior experience with coding or managing servers.

Create automated or manually controlled channels to display material that matches specified criteria or is arranged by a given value. Channels can also be created automatically. Examples of this include the top 50 tracks ranked by plays, recently released albums, popular genres, albums ranked by plays, and more.

Using the Menu Editor, you don't need any prior knowledge of coding to simply alter and reorganise any of the site's menus using a simple drag-and-drop interface.

The built-in appearance editor makes it simple for you to manage the look of your website (including its colours, logo, landing page, and menus, among other elements).

It is possible to translate the site from within the administration panel, and it also supports a number of other languages.

Music Grid is totally responsive and will function properly on desktop computers, mobile devices, tablets, and other types of electronic hardware.

Authentication is a fully complete authentication system that includes regular login, social login (from Facebook, Twitter, and Google), registration, password recovery, account settings, and more.

In the Admin panel, under "Settings," you'll find several options that let you tailor the website to your specific requirements.

Various Homepages – You have the option of selecting from multiple homepages, which may include a landing page, login page, channels, or even your own individualised HTML website.
